Our Programs

All of our programs are currently in-person, though there will be hybrid sessions in certain situations. The projects vary as per the community’s needs. Some of the projects are backpacks with educational supplies, internet connection to low-income families, active sports items, care packages for homeless, digital gadgets for isolated seniors’ in hospitals and senior homes, nutritious food, school lunch program, seniors engagement activity books, etc. For more details, please follow our Annual Report 2020.

In addition to continuing with the online programs in 2021, our youth remain engaged in identifying pressing needs of the community and undertaking service projects through grants received from Rising Youth/Canada Service Corps.     


Take a look at the programs we offer and see what interests you.

Youth Adventurer

Age: 5-24 years
Goal: Develop self-responsibility and leadership skills through Duke of Edinburgh International Award and JASS program.

Registration OPEN

Youth Leadership Program

Age: 13-21 years
Goal: A three tier program to help youth identify their vision, establish achievable goals and lead themselves and others towards success.

Registration OPEN


Public Speaking

Age: 12-21 years
Goal: Teach youth to express their ideas in an effective and concise manner.

Registration OPEN

Community Service

Age: 12-21
Goal: Provide members the opportunity to work with local and international charitable organizations.

Registration OPEN

Youth to Youth Talks

Age: 15-21
Goal: Through talks and workshops young professional share their experience and provide guidance.

Registration OPEN


Interested in a Program?


email us at for any questions!