YLSBC's New Eco-Adventure Program
The Eco-Adventure Program was planned for the summer of 2020, but it was not launched due to Covid-19. As soon as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, registration for this adventure program would be announced.
Basic Eco-adventure program:
This program will have the following components
Duration: The trip will be held from Friday through Monday
Location: Lower Mainland BC
Youth eligibility: 14-16 year
Summer Camping, Biking, Hiking, Canoeing tours of BC Riversheds, BC Rivers and Forests, First Nation visits
Winter camping, Snowshoeing, Cross Country Skiing, Winter Survival, Emergency First-Aid and etc.
Learning Outcomes
Education: Youth will learn about the importance of Riversheds, Fraser River habitats, Bird watching, and First Nations culture and practices. They will learn more about natural habitats in our back yards during summer and winter. They will take back this knowledge and skills and apply it in schools, admission interviews, or career. Each youth will get a graduation certificate on completion.
Adventure: Youth will learn Camping skills, Map reading, endurance through Biking, Walks, Hikes, Snowshoeing, X-Country Ski.
Leadership: Youth will learn to work in teams, do leadership tasks, prepare and short presentations and workshops.
Fun: That would be the most significant take. Youth will learn new things in a fun environment, and make new friends, come out of their comfort zone, and become more confident in themselves.
Registration will be announced when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.
Please Register as a member to be informed when program registration opens.
Advanced Eco-Adventure program:
We will plan advanced Eco-adventure programs to include more in-depth studies to select Ecological conservation aspects once necessary skills are acquired. This program will be custom made for the youth intake.
Youth eligibility: 16 years or order (Pre-requisite Basic Eco-Adventure Program)
Registration will be announced when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted
Please Register as a member to be informed when program registration opens.