Internal Programs Offered by YLSBC
Youth leadership program:
YLSBC offers a three-tier leadership program to members 13 years of age and older. The goal of the program is to:
empower youth with the ability to identify their vision
establish achievable goals
lead themselves and others towards success
Members are provided opportunities to attend workshops and monthly sessions. In order to graduate from the program, they are required to complete and present their community service project.
To date, over 140 youth have either completed or graduated from this program.
YLP 101 Pre-Registration is OPEN FOR 2025
YLP 201 Pre-Registration is OPEN FOR 2025
For more information about this program or to register, please visited our dedicated program website here.
Community Projects:
Youth undertaking projects to serve their community’s needs is the destination we strive to our youth to arrive at through the variety of the program we offer. Should youth or their parents be interested in joining our community service programs, please write to us here.
Youth Leadership Camp and Workshops:
External Programs Recommended by YLSBC
BC Student leadership conference (BCSLC):
As part of their leadership training, members are encouraged to attend annual student leadership conferences organized by the BC Association of Student Activity Advisors (BCASAA).
The last in-person BC Student Leadership Conference was held in Williams Lake, BC, from Thursday, Oct 24, 2019 to Sunday, Oct 27, 2019. Sixteen YLSBC youth participated in that conference.
Over 40 youth took an active part in these conferences.
Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CSLC):
Youth are encouraged to attend the annual conference organized by the Canadian Student Leadership Association (CSLA).
Seven Members from our organization attended CSLC 2019, and had a wonderful experience. They were engaged in exciting conference sessions as well as fun activities. Take a look at the videos to gain a better understanding of CSLC in action!
Oriole Youth Adventure Challenge:
Youth are encouraged to participate in the Oriole Youth Adventure Challenge (Oriole YAC) when it’s available in BC. This is a partnership between CSLA and the Royal Navy. Oriole YAC is a 5-day leadership program aboard the HMCS Oriole in the beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia. Each year, fifteen youth are selected from across Canada. We are proud to mention 2 of our youth, Keerthana and Sanjana participated in Oriole YAC to learn sailing, team building and leadership skills under tough conditions at sea.
YLSBC Supports CSLA:
YLSBC has also forged a partnership with CSLA to recognize Canadian student leaders in British Columbia. The Canadian Student Leadership Award is the highest recognition CSLA gives to students for exemplary contributions in the area of Student Leadership.
YLSBC also supports exceptional CSLA youth towards a bursary.
Civic Leadership:
YLSBC encourages youth to participate in the following programs that play a pivotal role in developing their civic leadership skills; Local MP youth council, Prime Minister's Youth Council, Encounters with Canada, and Forum for Young Canadians.
Our youth have regularly participated in the Local MP youth council and attended Encounters with Canada and Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa.
“These programs combine learning with fun and adventure, which makes it a great learning experience! The programs have taught Subbu the importance of team work, discipline, and dedication, which are life lessons that would guide him and lead him throughout.